Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tomorrow: Alan Arkin--in a Memorable 1966 Debut



Pardon the one-day delay in my essay about Alan Arkin, as promised yesterday.

It's just that today, life intervened... 

But tomorrow, I will link to the NPR interview from earlier this month, in which Arkin discusses his improvisational theater project, his career highlights, and his recent memoir. 

Also, my look back at Arkin's film debut, in a farcical and topical movie that lampooned the cold-war paranoia of the 1960's: "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming".  The film gave Arkin his first Oscar nomination, and the film itself, which was considered then quite important in spite of its sight gags and satire, competed in the 1966 Oscar race against a completely different cinematic experience, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". 

If you have never seen "The Russians are Coming...", I hope you will be excited to find and watch it after tomorrow's post.  Stay tuned...


  1. Oh my god - that poster is ridiculous. Reason enough for me to jump to renting this one. I've only ever encountered Alan Arkin in his curmudgeonly years, though, so it may be strange to see him so young!

  2. This was a common style of poster art in the 1960's, especially for comedy films. Hope you were able to find this film...
