Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Journal for Tuesday: My colleague's new dog

Over a week ago, I reported about the unfortunate death of my co-worker's dog, Molly.  I met this beagle mix only a week before her demise, just outside of the building where my colleague and I worked.  This past weekend, less than two weeks after Molly succumbed to seizures, my friend and her family applied to foster a new dog, an active Jack Russell Terrier-Chihuahua mix they named Roxie.  Well, happy to say that after one night, this family decided to adopt the dog.
(I think fostering a dog is an artificial construct....how can a real dog-lover hand over to another owner the creature for which they cared and showed love?  Fostering is step one in true adoption...)
Today, I met Roxie.  She wiggled inside the car when she saw me outside the window, and was barely on the sidewalk before she happily assaulted me with her little paws and tongue, knocking my glasses off my head.  The looks on the faces of my co-worker and her husband were as glowing as I have ever seen on a proud and hopeful canine caregiver, and I knew they had made the right decision.
Some time soon, Mark and I will take the plunge, and let another creature into our hearts and home.  Maggie, I think, would approve. 
(Here's a photo of Maggie that I hope will become world-famous, as the icon on my Comments profile on the Huffington Post.)

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